GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) - Good choice for simple images and animations. AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) - Good choice for both images and animated images due to high performance. APNG (Animated Portable Network Graphics) - Good choice for lossless animation sequences (GIF is less performant). The image file formats that are most commonly used on the web are: Note: The Image file type and format guide provides comprehensive information about image formats and their web browser support. Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas. HTML table advanced features and accessibility. From object to iframe - other embedding technologies. Assessment: Structuring a page of content. Each transparent GIF can be instantly downloaded by clicking the "Save as" and "Download" buttons. To see all the transparent pixels at a glance, you can turn on the black and white filter, which displays transparent areas in black color and all opaque areas in white. In this case, you can use the "Show One Frame" option that will pause the GIF player and display only the requested frame. Sometimes, you need to see how one particular frame looks like. You can also turn on the built-in GIF player and view the transparent GIF frame by frame. To make all frames transparent, enter the "*" symbol. Frames that will be made transparent can be listed as "1, 2, 6" or specified as a range "2-5". By default, the application makes all GIF frames transparent but if necessary, you can remove the color only in the specified frames. By increasing or decreasing the threshold value, you can control the transparent color's tint, tone, and shade. The color can be entered as a name ("blue"), hex or RGB code ("#0000FF" or "RGB(0, 0, 255)"), or selected via the attached color palette in options.
When you specify the color that should change to the transparent color, then it matches this color everywhere in the GIF.
As a bonus, our app also allows making any GIF region transparent (not just the background). For example, if your GIF has a red background, then you can enter "red" or hex code "#FF0000" in the transparent color field, and this red background will be assigned the transparent color index, which will make it disappear from the output GIF. This is a browser-based program that creates GIF animations with a transparent background.